National minimum wage

Minimum pay obligations for employers under the Minimum Wage Act, 2017.

This information may be incomplete or inaccurate. It is not professional advice. If in doubt, please consult a qualified attorney.

Table of Contents

Under the Minimum Wage Act, 2017, all businesses must pay their employees not less than the national or sectorial minimum wage that applies, whether or not they are employed on a full- or part-time basis, or as a temporary or permanent employee.

National minimum wage

Applies to all employees, except security guards (see sectorial minimum wage).

General Minimum Wage Rates:

  1. Minimum pay for a 40 hour work week
    BBD $340 per week
  2. Minimum pay for an 8 hour work day (where an employee is not employed on a weekly basis)
    BBD $68 per day
  3. Minimum pay on an hourly basis (where an employee is not employed on a weekly or daily basis)
    BBD $8.50 per hour

Minimum Overtime Rates:

  1. Minimum overtime pay for ordinary working days
    BBD $12.75 per hour (or part thereof).
  2. Minimum overtime pay for public holidays [1]
    BBD $17.00 per hour (or part thereof)

For shop assistants, the overtime pay is higher if their ordinary rate is higher than the minimum wage.

Sectorial minimum wage

Applies to security guards only.

General Minimum Wage Rates:

  1. Minimum pay on an hourly basis
    BBD $9.25 per hour

Minimum Overtime Rates:

  1. Minimum overtime pay for ordinary working days
    BBD $13.88 per hour (or part thereof)
  2. Minimum overtime pay for public holidays [1]
    BBD $18.50 per hour (or part thereof)

Shop assistants working overtime, or on a public holiday, etc.

Pursuant to Section 6 of the Shops Act, 2015, any shop assistant who––

For the avoidance of doubt, take note that––

Relevant legislation

The principal Act is the Minimum Wage Act, 2017 which came into operation on the 9th February, 2017.

The minimum rates of pay were last updated by the Minister responsible for Labour under the Minimum Wage (National and Sectoral Minimum Wage) Order, 2021 which came into effect on the 1st April, 2021.

[1] Public holidays are those days specified or appointed under Section 3 of the Public Holidays Act, Cap. 352.

Frequently asked questions

No, it does not apply to persons who are self-employed.

However, if you work as a contractor for a company based in Barbados, it may be deemed a contract of employment even if it is not stipulated or implied within your contract, or otherwise intended by the parties. For more information, see the First Schedule to the Employment Rights Act, 2012.

In the event that your relationship with a company is deemed to constitute a contract of employment, you must be paid not less than the minimum wage. The company must also be registered as an employer with the National Insurance Scheme, and make employer-based contributions in respect of your employment if you earn at least BDS $21.00 per week or BDS $91.00 per month.

To report a business who is not paying the minimum wage (or, where applicable, the minimum overtime wage) please e-mail the Chief Labour Officer: [email protected]

Alternatively, call +1 (246) 836-1504 or +1 (246) 535-1504.

If you wish to send your report by post, please address it to:

Chief Labour Officer
2nd Floor East
Warrens Office Complex
St. Michael
West Indies

It depends whether you are employed by that company. If you have a contract of employment, then you must be paid not less than the minimum wage, even if you are the only director or shareholder of that company.

For the avoidance of doubt, a contract of employment can be deemed to exist even if you do not sign, or have not signed, a contract with the company. For more information, see the First Schedule to the Employment Rights Act, 2012.