What to expect driving on public roads in Barbados

Driving Licences

To drive on a public road in Barbados, you must have a valid domestic or foreign driving licence. If you have a foreign driving licence, it is not valid in Barbados unless you have a Visitor Driving Permit. The cost of the permit is BBD $10 for two months or BBD $100 for one year.

If you are renting a vehicle with a car rental company in Barbados, you will have the opportunity to purchase a Visitor Driving Permit when you are collecting your car rental. Alternatively, a Visitor Driving Permit can be purchased directly from the Barbados Revenue Authority.

Remember to keep your driving licence and Visitor Driving Permit with you at all times whilst driving.

Driving in Barbados

Remember to drive on the left side of the road.

Unless road signs or markings indicate otherwise, the speed limit on most roads is 60 km/h, except on the ABC Highway and Spring Garden Highway where the speed limit is 80 km/h. However, the speed limit is lower in Bridgetown, at 40 km/h.

There are many roundabouts in Barbados. Unless road signs or markings indicate otherwise, the left lane is for turning left only. Learn more how roundabouts work in Barbados.