
Find out what's happening around Barbados.

Persons intending to operate as food vendors during the Crop Over events are asked to attend a meeting with the Ministry of Health and Wellness at the Bradford Taitt Polyclinic at Black Rock, Saint Michael on Monday, July 10th, 2023 at 4:30 PM.

Officials will discuss food hygiene and other matters related to the safe provision of food to the public.

Following the passing of Tropical Storm Bret, residents are asked to report any storm damage to the Department of Emergency Management at +1 (246) 438-7575 or +1 (246) 234-7575.

Persons that need to report damaged electrical lines or poles should contact the Barbados Light & Power Company at +1 (246) 626-9000. For burst water mains or water supply issues, residents are asked to report it to the Barbados Water Authority at +1 (246) 434-4200.

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, always call the emergency services first.

The Government of Barbados announced, as at April 30th, 2023, a total of 4,394 applications have been received under the Welcome Stamp visa programme since its inception. Among the applications received, 2,655 have been approved, signifying an overall acceptance rate of 60%.

Since the last review in January 2023, a total of 183 applications were received and of which 88 were approved, signifying an acceptance rate of 48%.

The top leading countries were the United States, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Canada, India and the Republic of Ireland.

In July, 2021, the Remote Employment Act, 2020 was amended to allow persons on the Welcome Stamp to apply for a renewal of their visa, for a further 12 months, at a 25% discount on the visa application fee.

Persons who wish to apply for a renewal of their Welcome Stamp visa can do so by visiting the official website.

The Minister responsible for Energy and Business, under the powers conferred on her by Section 3 of the Miscellaneous Controls Act, Cap. 329, has reduced the retail price of gasoline (petrol) to BDS $4.17 per litre, and the retail price of diesel to BDS $3.42 per litre.

These price adjustments are effective from Monday, June 5th, 2023.

We would like to remind visitors and residents that hurricane season officially starts June 1st, 2023, and runs through to November 30th, 2023. While the likelihood of a hurricane directly impacting Barbados is low, it always remains a possibility each year.

In 2021, Barbados was directly hit by a category 1 tropical cyclone, known as Hurricane Elsa. A few weeks before, a sudden 'freak storm' caused damage to dozens of homes across Barbados.

Please make sure you are prepared for the hurricane season. Familiarise yourself with the Emergency Shelters List for 2023, published by the Department of Emergency Management.

Make sure you have adequate supplies, including non-perishable foodstuffs and potable water that will last you and your family for a minimum of two (2) weeks. See page 29 of the shelters list for a detailed list of supplies you should have as part of your Disaster Emergency Kit.

In addition to hurricane preparedness, you should also be mindful that Barbados lies within an area of relatively high earthquake activity and therefore can be impacted by tsunamis at any time during the year. Always obey the 'natural signs', that is to say:

The Minister responsible for Energy and Business, under the powers conferred on her by Section 3 of the Miscellaneous Controls Act, Cap. 329, has increased the retail price of gasoline (petrol) to BDS $4.24 per litre, and reduced the retail price of diesel to BDS $3.48 per litre.

These price adjustments are effective from Monday, May 8th, 2023.

The Barbados Water Authority, under the powers conferred on them by Regulation 14(1) of the Barbados Water Authority (Water Services) Regulations, 1982 ("the Regulations"), has issued a notice prohibiting the use of hosepipes or sprinkler systems with potable water for use in or on baths [1], garages, gardens, grounds, lawns, out rooms, paths, pavements, ponds, roadways, tanks [2], vehicles [3] or swimming pools.

The notice takes effect from April 24, 2023 and remains in force until June 30th, 2023. Any person found in contravention of the notice is liable to a fine of BDS $500 or to imprisonment for a term of one month, pursuant to Regulation 14(4) of the Regulations.

Persons are advised to read the official guidance from the Barbados Water Authority for more information.

[1] Except domestic baths not exceeding 120 litres in capacity.
[2] Except dipping tanks for cattle, and elevated reserve tanks not exceeding 800 litres in capacity which are connected to household sewerage or water.
[3] Except companies which offer car washing, servicing or repair services, provided that garden hoses or pressure washers are used which are rated at less than three U.S. gallons per minute and fitted with an automatic shut off device. For non-commercial car washing (e.g. at home), a bucket must be used in lieu of a hose or pressure washer.

Please be advised there are three upcoming bank holidays, during which many businesses will be closed:

National Heros Day on April 28th, 2023.

Labour Day on May 1st, 2023.

Whit Monday on May 29th, 2023.

The Minister responsible for Energy and Business, under the powers conferred on her by Section 3 of the Miscellaneous Controls Act, Cap. 329, has increased the retail price of gasoline (petrol) to BDS $4.12 per litre, and reduced the retail price of diesel to BDS $3.71 per litre.

These price adjustments are effective from Saturday, April 1st, 2023.

The Government of Barbados announced, as at January 31st, 2023, a total of 4,211 applications have been received under the Welcome Stamp visa programme since its inception. Among the applications received, 2,655 have been approved, signifying an overall acceptance rate of 63%.

Since the last review in October 2022, a total of 276 applications were received and of which 162 were approved, signifying an acceptance rate of 58%.

The top leading countries were the United States, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Canada, India and the Republic of Ireland.

In July, 2021, the Remote Employment Act, 2020 was amended to allow persons on the Welcome Stamp to apply for a renewal of their visa, for a further 12 months, at a 25% discount on the visa application fee.

Persons who wish to apply for a renewal of their Welcome Stamp visa can do so by visiting the official website.